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GHLL Baseball Divisions

NOTE: Your player’s League Age is determined by the Little League Age Charts.

Click here to determine your player's League Age for Baseball. 

This level of play fosters continued skills development and a better understanding of the rules and nuances of the game. The focus remains on the fun of playing the sport while more coaching attention is given to fielding, making plays, accurate throwing, proper hitting technique and preparing the player for the introduction of Player Pitching at the "AA" level.
*Little League 6 year olds are welcome to play Coach Pitch Baseball if they have played one year of Tee Ball and pass a safety evaluation.

The Player/Coach Pitch division is a level of baseball where a higher level of game understanding and ability is taught. Competition as it relates to winning and losing is introduced at this level. Winning and losing remain secondary to the essential goal of teaching each player to embrace success or failure with grace and to learn from both. Primary goals are to give players as much experience and playing time as possible and encouragement of ongoing development for all players in all phases of the game. This important developmental division provides a relatively even but not necessarily equal distribution of playing time among players. "AA" includes both coach and player pitching, scoring and umpiring. By the end of the season players are expected to have refined their skills so they may successfully participate at the "AAA" level the following year. 

*League Age 9 year olds who attend Evaluations are eligible to play in the AAA division and may be drafted to a AAA team.

This division of Little League promotes a higher level of competition than "AA" and emphasizes more of the standard rules of Little League baseball. The focus in "AAA" remains on education, development and teamwork while encouraging a deeper understanding of the game and advancing skill development in order to prepare players for successful participation at the Majors level.

*League Age 10 and 11 year olds who attend Evaluations are eligible to play in the Majors division and may be drafted to a Majors team . 

MAJORS BASEBALL  - League Age 12*
The Majors division promotes competition to a higher degree as compared to the Minor League. Within this more competitive environment, the emphasis remains on improving baseball skills, building individual self-esteem, promoting team camaraderie and emphasizing fair play. The division is designed to be both the satisfying culmination of some players' Little League careers and to prepare other players for higher levels of play including advancement in Little League Tournament play and readiness to move up to play on the full 90 foot diamond.

*All League Age 10 and 11 year olds who attend Evaluations will be evaluated for the Majors division and may be drafted to a Majors team . 


Our Intermediate, Juniors and Seniors Baseball Teams participate in Interleague Play, and travel to away games against other leagues in our District such as North Kitsap (Poulsbo), Bainbridge Island, and Sequim, as well as other leagues in the Western Washington area, such as Centralia, Olympia, Enumclaw, and Chehalis.
Upper Division Teams usually play double-headers on either Saturdays or Sundays. 

INTERMEDIATE (50/70) BASEBALL - League Age 13
The Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Division for players league-age 11-13 offers a transition for players between the standard Little League field size (46-foot pitching distance and 60-foot base paths) and the Junior/Senior/ field size (60-foot, 6-inch pitching distance and 90-foot base paths).Many of the Junior League rules will be used such as runners being permitted to lead off bases, runners may attempt to steal at any time, and allowing an on-deck batter.

The Junior League Baseball Division is a program for ages 12-14, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. Modified diamond dimensions may be used during the regular season.

The Senior League Baseball Division is for boys and girls 13-16 years old, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches.

▪ If you have any questions about the appropriate Baseball division for your athlete or questions regarding the league please contact our VP of Baseball at [email protected]

Registration Listing

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Gig Harbor Little League

 P.O. Box 2176
Gig Harbor, Washington 98335

Email: [email protected]

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Gig Harbor Little League

 P.O. Box 2176
Gig Harbor, Washington 98335

Email: [email protected]

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