Our GHLL Fastpitch Softball teams play games against fellow GHLL Softball teams and for some levels, play against other teams in our Little League District. Away games will require travel to other leagues in Kitsap, Pierce, Mason, Jefferson, and Clallam Counties.
NOTE: Your player’s League Age is determined by the Little League Age Charts.
Click here to determine your player's League Age for Softball.
This level of play fosters continued skills development and a better understanding of the rules and nuances of the game. The focus remains on the fun of playing the sport while more coaching attention is given to fielding, making plays, accurate throwing, proper hitting technique and preparing the player for the introduction of Player Pitching at the "AA" level.
*Little League 6 year olds are welcome to play Coach Pitch Softball if they have played one year of Tee Ball and pass a safety evaluation.
This division emphasizes the development of basic playing skills (throwing, catching, fielding, and batting) and introduces playing rules. This division uses a combination of player pitch and coach pitch. The goal is to teach players about the sport in a non-competitive environment that emphasizes having fun. Coaches will introduce players to the elements of team work and sportsmanship. Players should be given equal playing and the opportunity to play all defensive positions.
*Little League 6 year olds are welcome to play AA softball if they have played one year of T-Ball and pass a safety evaluation.
This division emphasizes development of players and their skills and also introduces more rules and situations of the game. This division is a Player Pitch division, and bunting, stealing, and sliding are allowed. Even playing time among players is encouraged, but playing time is determined by the manager subject to minimum requirements and may not be equal. This division is intended to offer a moderate level of competition, where the concept of winning and losing is introduced, but is always secondary to player development, learning sportsmanship, and having fun.
*All League age 10 and 11 year olds who attend Evaluations will be evaluated for the Majors division and may be drafted to a Majors team .
MAJORS SOFTBALL - League Age 12*
The Majors Division offers a higher level of competition where players learn and put into play the tactics and strategy of the game of softball. Playing time is determined by the manager subject to minimum requirements. Although winning games is a goal, the primary emphasis is for players to develop skills, physical fitness, and self confidence, to understand the rules of the game, and to learn the value of teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play. GHLL may choose to open its Major Division to 10-,11- and 12-year-olds, or limit it to 11-12-year-olds.
*All League Age 10 and 11 year olds who attend Evaluations will be evaluated for the Majors division and may be drafted to a Majors team
JUNIORS SOFTBALL - League Ages 13-14
The Junior League Softball division is a program for players ages 13-14, and uses a conventional 60-foot diamond with a 43 foot pitching distance. A local league may dual-roster 12-year-olds, assessed capable, to a Major and a Junior division softball teams. The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 12-14-year-olds from within this division (and/or from within the Girls Senior League Softball Division), and the team may enter the International Tournament.
SENIORS SOFTBALL - League Ages 15-16
The Senior League Softball Division is for girls 15-16 years old, using a 60-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 43 feet. The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or “All Stars”) of 13-16-year-olds from within this division (and/or from within the Junior League Softball divisions), and the team may enter the International Tournament.
▪ If you have any questions about the appropriate Softball division for your player or questions regarding the Softball Program, please contact our VP of Softball at [email protected]