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Mar, 2024

Tee Ball, Quickball & Coach Pitch Picture Day - March 30th

2024 GHLL Tee Ball, Quickball & Coach Pitch Picture Day - Saturday, March 30th


Picture Day for our Tee Ball, Quickball and Coach Pitch (A) Baseball & Softball Teams is scheduled for Saturday March 30th at Voyager Elementary School. 

(*Coach/Player Pitch (AA), Player Pitch (AAA), Majors, Intermediate, Juniors and Seniors Baseball and Softball Team Pictures will be taken on Sunday April 7th, please check your team's calendar for your schedule.) 


You should have already received a notification about your team’s scheduled time for photos as “Tee Ball, Quickball & Catch Pitch Picture Day” as a "practice" on Saturday March 30th at Voyager Elementary School. That 30 minute “practice” is your team’s scheduled picture time. 

We are using a new photographer this year, Big Time Sports Photography, so the ordering process and the actual picture day process may be slightly different than in previous years. We will be photographing 42 teams in one day, so PLEASE read the following information carefully to help ensure  Picture Day runs smoothly. 





We offer 8 different Photography Packages as well as many Ala Carte items. 

  • Our Mini Memory Mate is just $14 plus tax. 
  • We have a bigger folio/Memory Mate that’s just $17 plus tax. It includes an 8x10 team and 5x7 individual in sports folder. 
  • We put the players names on the team print. 

Our packages are priced for everyone. We do offer a digital purchase offer with minimum package purchase.

Click the link to order and pre-pay for you photos now:

Event Code: BQ2JT

Must pre-order by: 03/29/2024

Don’t forget to add on your $6 “GOOFY” team photo to order. Every team will have one! 



Please bring printed order receipt from your email as confirmation of purchase. We will have paper order forms for those who did not pre-order. If you order at picture day, we accept cash, card or check. 

Please have players arrive 15-20 minutes prior to your scheduled time. Upon arrival, find your coach and/or team and stay together as a group.


Most products will be displayed on Picture Day to allow you “see and touch”.


Our friendly attendants will be available to assist you with any questions



Before players enter the staging area please double check:

1) Jerseys are tucked

2) Strings are tucked into pants

3) Faces are clean

4) Hats and/or hair is in place



Parents are not allowed to take pictures within the photo area. This distracts the players, slows down the process and potentially reduces the quality of the photographs, if players are looking away at the parents. Please respect this policy and allow us the opportunity to make the best possible photographs in an undistracted environment

All parents, including Team Parents, must stay off the field.  Only Managers, Coaches and players are allowed on the field designated for photography. 




Should pictures have to be canceled due to the weather at any point in the day, the league will send out an email alerting you to the cancelation. Unless you receive an email stating pictures have been canceled, you should head to the fields for your scheduled picture time. 




At this time, the league has not scheduled a make-up date for pictures. A make-up day may be scheduled if there is a demand for it. 

If you have any questions or issues with the online ordering, or questions about ordering at Picture Day, please contact the photographer.

Studio Contact Information

Big Time Sports Photography

Brian Thompson Photography

[email protected]







Gig Harbor Little League

 P.O. Box 2176
Gig Harbor, Washington 98335

Email: [email protected]

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Gig Harbor Little League

 P.O. Box 2176
Gig Harbor, Washington 98335

Email: [email protected]

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